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Spicy Kale and Beef Stir Fry New York Times

What to Cook

Spicy beef stir-fry with basil.

Credit... Gentl and Hyers for The New York Times. Food stylist: Maggie Ruggiero. Prop stylist: Amy Wilson.

Good morning. A week ago, I was asking you to make my new recipe for sausage risotto with parsley for Sunday dinner. And I hope you did because it's great. This week, though, I hacked the recipe, adding a lot of baby kale to the rice just before I served the meal, and if possible that turned out to be even more delicious than the original, with swirls of soft green amid the creamy grains of rice. So maybe this evening you could make the dish again or for the first time in this new, vegetable-forward way, and enjoy a very fine meal? Omit the sausage if you like. It's flexible excellence, a fantastical feed.

Alternatively, try Tejal Rao's new recipe for a garlicky beef stir-fry with basil (above), which comes at the end of her delightful "Eat" column for The Times this week, about the Thai food writer Leela Punyaratabandhu. Serve with jasmine rice and, if you want, a fried egg, super-runny. Do so, and I'll bet you it enters your monthly repertoire.

For a Monday night dinner, I like the idea of these mushroom quesadillas this week, rather a lot of them, cooked serially and served with salsa verde, a version of pizza night, before "The Alienist" drops at 9 p.m. Eastern, on TNT.

Try Florence Fabricant's recipe for braised chicken with gochujang on Tuesday night, even if you have to detour on the way home to get a box of the Korean hot-pepper paste. (You'll use it a lot going forward: on cauliflower! On ribs! In pasta sauce!) Serve with white rice. And what are you reading these days? Try Suki Kim's "The Interpreter," why doncha?

Wednesday night's looking good for Mark Bittman's recipe for crisped-up chickpeas with ground meat, which I like to serve with pita bread in the middle of the week because that's easy. And if you're not running ragged from work and cooking and the nightmare commutes, you can make Julia Moskin's easy-easy-easy recipe for fudge for dessert, then take the leftovers to someone you care about in the morning. You don't want that stuff sitting around the house. It'll all get eaten, and fast.

Cacio e pepe for dinner on Thursday night, and maybe that's your Thursday night recipe for the next couple of months. It's anyway a recipe worth practicing, worth obsessing over, worth getting right. Master cacio e pepe, and you'll always have a trade.

And then you can round out the week with salmon burgers and a bunch of baked potatoes, to send yourself the message that you have triumphed once again, and brought the delicious into your home night after night after night. It is a good feeling, isn't it, to feed yourself and others so well?

You need not cook the recipes I recommend, of course. There are thousands and thousands of others to cook tonight and in coming days at NYT Cooking. Go browse the site and apps, and save the recipes you like. Then cook them and let us know how you did: You can rate the recipes with stars; and leave notes on them for yourself and others.

If you run into any problems along the way, either with the cooking or the technology, do reach out to our care team for help: Though if you're furious about having to subscribe to the site, or feel we display clear anchovy bias, or if you just want to sound off and loudly, please don't bother those kind souls. Stone me. I'm at

Now, do read Michael Adno in The Bitter Southerner, on "The Short and Brilliant Life of Ernest Matthew Mickler," about the author of "White Trash Cooking," who died in 1988.

Also, in the recently gutted Saveur, check out our Taffy Brodesser-Akner on the Israeli bread maker Erez Komarovsky.

And see what you think of this amazing essay in the London Review of Books, by Amia Srinivasan, "The Sucker, the Sucker!" Octopuses, man! They are really something. See you tomorrow.


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